7 Working OnPage Optimization Factors that Boosts your SEO
Considering OnPage Optimization Factors will really helps to boost the ranking of a website and at the same time it is the crucial part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Hope this article helps you to rank well for a particular keyword that you are targeting for. There are several websites or blogs that shares information regarding OnPage Optimization factors. But few are confusing and few are bored in my opinion. I won’t say implementing these below factors will boost your SEO for sure. But it definitely strengthens your SEO for better ranking.
Boost your SEO with 7 OnPage Optimization Factors
I personally use the following methods on most of my blogs and it works fine for me. These 7 SEO factors are listed according to latest Google Algorithm changes. Here you go..
1. Use Heading Tags Smartly
Don’t you know what is Heading Tag? Let me explain in detail. Heading Tags in SEO (H1, H2, H3 etc.,) are considered as major factor where Crawlers will search for these tags all over the content and gives importance to the keyword covered inside these Headings. Use these tags effectively in order and avoid excessive H1’s (One H1 is preferred), few H2’s and multiple H3’s.
2. URL Structure
It is also called as Permalink structure. Make sure that your URL consists of direct targeting keyword instead of unnecessary terms like stop words. Since Google shows only some part of the URL in search results, best practice is to use primary keyword in the Permalink. Cross check that it should be short and simple.
3. Keyword Placement
In my view, it is the most important factor while considering OnPage Optimization. Primary Keyword should be placed smartly all over the content and it should look naturally and user-friendly. Follow the simple rule “Write for Humans not for Bots”. Most of the popular blogs are maintaining their keyword density between 1.5 to 2% which is good according to recent algorithm updates.
4. Effective usage of <b>, <u>, <l>
Do you love helping others? Then you should also help robots to find your objective of an article using these tags. Using bold, underline and italic tags to the focusing keyword will help crawlers to find the intention of what you are presenting to your readers.
5. Know the Importance of ALT Tags
100% On Page Optimization includes Images that are used in the article. Use atleast one related Image and use Alternate (ALT) text which is a text description for that Image. Here is the syntax using ALT Text for OnPage SEO.
<a img=”http://imagepath.com” alt=”Image Text Description”/>
6. Page Speed
Most of the webmasters won’t consider this as a major factor. But it really influences the search positions if your competitor has higher page speed value than yours. Some of the common factors for lower page speed are having excessive external objects, loading with JavaScript’s and having heavy Flash Objects. You can check your Blog Page Speed here.
7. Text/HTML Ratio
It means that you should justify both Text and HTML Ratio equally. Having more HTML with lesser Text affects your SEO to some extent. If you got this error by check with any third party tool, add some more text and maintain more than 15% Text/HTML Ratio which is great.
Do you have any points to add with me? Why can’t you add through comment form? Hope these 7 OnPage Optimization Factors helps you to boost your SEO. Happy Blogging!!
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